Like what you've read here? Hate what you've read here? Written something that you'd like me to consider for a future issue? Please get in touch!
Just click this address to send mail: Ask Professor Crazy! If you're thinking of contributing, be sure to take a look at the "Contributor's Guidelines" section on this page. GET YOUR RED HOT LINKS HERE!!! Love great Rock and Roll? Click on the first link to get to Jack & The FamilyMen! Lover of fantastic art, poetry, and FREE cool computer wallpaper? Click on "AMONG FRIENDS," a site by one of the MidWest's Premier Artists and Poets! Lover of Nintendo 64, Playstation, etc., and need some HOT Tips? Click on the third link for DooDoo Plus More! JTF.M-RETUNE THE MULTIVERSE "AMONG FRIENDS" COBB & COMPANY STUDIO ARTS DooDoo Plus More!!!
Professor Crazy's Four Star Humor Links 1. Angry Ferret.Net 2. Blue Exhaust 3. DeadLounge 4. Flaming Eggplants 5. Globe-Guardian 6. Institute For Implausible Ideas, The 7. JC's Extravaganza Of Written English 8. niceFire 9. Polymorph Want A Cracker? 10. Tomorrow's News 11. Wymsey Village Web

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Contributor's Guidelines If you'd like to contribute to this e-zine, you truly must be CRAZY! But, that's a step in the right direction to be considered for this publication! I welcome any and all input and look forward to hearing from you! The policies on contributing are pretty loose--in fact, non-existent! As long as what you write fits a Q. and A. format, or is a humorous Article, Review, or Interview, it will be taken into consideration for publication here. Currently, the payment for contributions ranges anywhere from NOT ONE RED CENT!, to a FEELING OF INTENSE SATISFACTION AT SEEING YOUR WORK IN PRINT! We may be cheap, but we admit it!