An Interview With John "Donald Sinclair" Cleese, Star of "Monty Python's Flying Circus", "Fawlty Towers", "A Fish Called Wanda", and "Rat Race", Among Other Accomplishments! Question: Hola, Senor Juan Cleese, y bienvenido a "Puede Profesor Loco"! Mi nombre is Cardinal Richelieu! Como estas hoy, Juan? A. Juan "Basil Fawlty" Murray: I never expected a sort of Spanish Inquisition, Professor Crazy! My, my; you are a linguistic marvel, aren't you? To Answer your Question, I'm doing very well, thank you, especially as I'm one of the stars of "Rat Race", one of the funniest movies of--this week!
Question: Ah, a shameless plug for your movie, from your very first Answer!--Well, it is quite a funny movie, and you give a stellar performance in it as the wizard "Tim the Enchanter"! Did you do much research into the medievel era for the role?
A. John "The Enchanter" Cleese: Ah, you liked that role, did you? Unfortunately, that is NOT the character I play in "Rat Race", though--it is, instead, one of the various characters I played in the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"! The character I play in "Rat Race" is that of Donald Sinclair, a billionaire Las Vegas casino owner who sets up a gambling scheme in which bettors wage on which of six candidates can find the $2 million that is hidden somewhere in a locker. Of course, hilarious hijinx result, as the characters race to be the first to find the $2 million!
Question: What many people don't know about you is that, besides being a comedian, you are a lawyer, with a degree from Cambridge University, and that you also formed Video Arts, a company that produces corporate training films, and you are the co-author of two books on psychology! That is mighty impressive for a man who gained fame playing assorted twits and village idiots, not to mention cross-dressers, on "Monty Python's Flying Circus". What made you forsake a career in law?
A. John "A Fish Called Wanda" Cleese: I didn't entirely forsake a career in law--I did play a barrister in "A Fish Called Wanda", and I still retain my legal degree. Call me CRAZY, but I quite enjoy the money, fame, and leisure of being a comedian; and, besides, lawyers who sometimes goose-step to a different drummer are often frowned upon!
Question: There are so many Questions I would like to Ask you, John, but time and space only allow for one more! After your stint as a Python, you attained further fame and notoriety as the bumbling inept hotel owner, Basil Fawlty, in the television show "Fawlty Towers". What/who was your inspiration for the role?
A. John "Minister of Silly Walks" Cleese: Around 1971, the cast of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" was staying in the Torbay area. I and Connie Booth, who was my wife at the time, were struck by the odd behavior of the owner of the Gleneagles Hotel, where we were staying. We thought there was a lot of potential for humor in this situation, so we cooked up the name "Fawlty Towers" and the rest, as they say, is history!--Taxi, taxi! Really, Professor--the scones were quite good, but I must be on my way!
Another Interview draws to a Conclusion, and We have to, Sadly, say Farewell Until Next Week's Issue!--Anyway, I and the entire staff of APC THANK you for reading this e-zine week after week, and I hope you will continue on reading it throughout the year! See You All NEXT Issue! |  |